
Book3 Lesson3 (Sherlock Holmes & "a taxi")

プログレス・ノート by 東大式個別ゼミ(東大式個別ゼミは、神奈川県の東林間駅近くにある中高一貫校生向けの個別指導塾です)



" I see, sir, that you have served in India and are now a retired military officer"


One day Sir Arthur was riding in a taxi from a railroad station in Paris.

"a taxi"というのにちょっと驚きませんか。ホームズの出てくる小説といえば乗合馬車のイメージだからです。しかしドイル自身は1930年まで存命ですから、20世紀のパリということかもしれません。なお、Wikipediaには以下のような説明があります。これを読む限り、19世紀にもtaxiは有ったということなのかもしれません。

Although battery-powered vehicles enjoyed a brief success in Paris, London, and New York in the 1890s, the 1891 invention by German Wilhelm Bruhn of the taximeter (the familiar mechanical and now often electronic device that calculates the fare in most taxicabs) ushered in the modern taxi. The first modern meter-equipped taxicab was the Daimler Victoria, built by Gottlieb Daimler in 1897. The first modern taxi company was opened by Friedrich Greiner and began operating in Stuttgart the same year.

Gasoline-powered taxicabs began operating in Paris in 1899, in London in 1903, and in New York in 1907. The New York taxicabs were imported from France by Harry N. Allen. Allen was the first person to paint his taxicabs yellow, after learning that yellow is the colour most easily seen from a distance.



ここに出てきたのは Sir Arthur was riding in a taxi でしたが、いつも冠詞がつくわけではありません。Longmanから書き出してみましょう。

take (get) a taxi------ I took a taxi to the airport.
in a taxi----Theyhad to send me home in a taxi.
by taxi--- She arrived by taxi.
call a taxi---Shall I call you a taxi?
hail a taxi (=wave or shout at a taxi to maie it stop)

シャーロック・ホームズの冒険―新訳シャーロック・ホームズ全集 (光文社文庫)シャーロック・ホームズの冒険―新訳シャーロック・ホームズ全集 (光文社文庫)
アーサー・コナン ドイル

光文社 2006-01
売り上げランキング : 45224

by G-Tools

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